REAL TALK: Let’s take a poll. Drop a #RaisedHandEmoji in the comments below if you felt any of the following this week: Confused, Exhausted, Anxious or Overwhelmed? I know I have.
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but the I will know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12
This last week has been somewhat of a rollercoaster ride for me on both an emotional and a spiritual level. I suppose it’s all been building toward one big lesson from God, which is that I cannot do life well, without Him. When I lean on my own understanding it seems to go downhill from there. Even with “good intentions” as I reach for a self-help book or listen to another Ted Talk on my evening commute, my heart grows more and more confused, mapping itself in too many directions. What’s crazy about all this, is the fact that God is SO consistent, truly never-changing and omnipresent, which means that he knows each of our hearts through and through each step of the way.
Isn’t it crazy how small our world can become- the world in which we walk alone each day- inside our own hearts and minds? We are often fighting battles no-one can see and this is the future we have to look forward to forever, without an all-knowing, transcending God. Even our partners and very best friends cannot know our own heart, but God does and He LOVES you right where you are today. He absolutely loves you and seeks to give you daily strength, joy, peace and love. All you have to do is accept His good news. Accept Him and follow Him…
“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1
While you may reach for other ways to ease your pain- perusing through various blogs, podcasts or articles- or perhaps you recharge by talking to friends and family- whatever it is, if each and every one of these “fixes” are not centered around or explicitly based on THE WORD OF GOD, then they will fail you. They will leave you empty and further feed the anxiety and emptiness that already haunts your heart and soul.
Whatever it is you may struggle with, God has already been to the depths of it and is ready to embrace you right where you’re at. No matter how ugly your thoughts, no matter how deep the insecurities, He promises to guard your hearts and minds with a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Recap of these 3 Promises from God:
- God cares about you and knows your every step and struggle. 1 Peter 5:7
- God loves you RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. You are loved in the midst of your struggles, fears and ugly sin. Micah 7:19
- God will take your anxiety and depression and replace them with peace that surpasses understanding. Philipians 4:7
Just wanted to spread a bit of good news and lots of love in the midst of my own troubled heart this week. Because, despite the pain and confusion I may experience temporarily, I place my hope and faith in God, who never fails, always delivers on his promises and restores peace to my soul. My hope is that you will have ears to hear and will accept this insanely wonderful gift that God offers each and every one of us. God Bless and Happy Monday!
“Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Mathew 11:28-29
Stephanie says
I can see you’re taking a new direction with your blog, and I really enjoy it. The encouragement from scripture is just the thing I need in the midst of anxious days and troubled times.
Kileen says
I love this post babe and totally agree. A life that is guided by god, is a life watched by him as well. He knows our hearts and our personal struggles! KNowing he is there is such a comfort and relief!
cute & little
Ashley Rollins says
I loved that quote “It’s it crazy how small our world can become?” Its SO TRUE.
I feel that incredibly deeply all of the time. Such a good post.
WanderlustBeautyDreams says
what a great message especially from someone who suffers from anxiety
Carolyn says
I think the best way to deal with anything is with scripture. love the encouragement and truth from God’s word, especially when it comes to anxiety!
Deborah says
I deal with anxiety by going to therapy haha!
I think it’s nice that turning to scripture is helpful for you and so many people! 🙂
Lily says
Love, love, love this! I don’t suffer from anxiety, but this is great in general!
Erin says
Thank you for this message. <3